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ananta saṁsāra samudra tāra
naukāyitābhyāṁ guru bhakti dābhyām |
It helps to cross the endless ocean of samsara (worldly existence),
becoming a boat, and it confers devotion to the Guru.
vairāgya sāmrājyada pūjanābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
Worshipping them, one reaches the dominion of renunciation itself
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas (sandals) of the Guru.
kavitva vārāśi niśākarābhyāṁ
dourbhāgya dāvām budamālikābhyām |
For the surging ocean of knowledge, it is like the full moon
For the fire of misfortunes, it is the cluster of clouds that showers rain.
dūrī kr̥tā namra vipattitābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
For those who worship them, they remove all adversities
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
natā yayōḥ śrīpatitāṁ samīyuḥ
kadācidapyāśu daridra varyāḥ |
Prostrating to them, they have become prosperous
instantly, even those that were wallowing in poverty.
mūkāśca vācaspatitāṁ hi tābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
And the mute ones are transformed into eloquent orators
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
nālīkanīkāśa padāhr̥tābhyāṁ
nānā vimōhādi nivārikābhyām |
Attracting one to the (Guru"s) feet that are like a bouquet of lotuses
Removing the multitudes of desires that are born of delusion.
namajjanābhīṣṭa tatipradābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
They fulfil all the wishes of those that bow in submission
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
nr̥pāli mauli vraja ratna kānti-
sarid virājaj jhaṣa kanyakābhyām |
They shine like the gem that adorns a king"s crown
Like a charming damsel in a fish infested large river.
nr̥patva dābhyāṁ natalōka paṅktēḥ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
Sovereignty is conferred on the array of devotees that bow before them
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
pāpāndhakārārka paramparābhyāṁ
tāpatrayāhīndra khagēśvarābhyām |
They are like the Sun that destroy the endless darkness of sins
To the serpent of the triad miseries (caused by self, others and nature), they are like the King of Birds (Garuda).
jāḍyābdhi samśōṣaṇa vāḍavābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
They are the conflagration that dries up the ocean of ignorance
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
śamādi ṣaṭka prada vaibhavābhyāṁ
samādhi dāna vrata dīkṣitābhyām |
They confer the six kinds of prosperity (shat-sampatti) that begins with control of the mind
They are bound by the vow to lead the initiated to Samadhi.
muktēhē hētusca sthira bhakti dābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
They are the source of liberation and conferrers of steady devotion
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
svārcā parāṇām akhilēṣṭa dābhyāṁ
svāhā sahāyākṣa dhurandharābhyām |
They fulfil all wishes of those that are ever ready to serve
and focussed on helping the ones in need,
svāntāccha bhāva prada pūjanābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
And bestow purity of heart when worshipped
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.
kāmādi sarpavraja gārudābhyām
vivēka vairāgya nidhi pradābhyām |
To the serpents of vices led by lust (the six inner enemies), they are like Garuda
They bless with the treasures of discrimination and dispassion.
bōdha pradābhyāṁ druta mōkṣadābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīguru pādukābhyām ||
They confer knowledge and instantly grant liberation
Salutations again and again unto the holy Padukas of the Guru.