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A sample of other songs in raagabox lyrics * 1 *

Bhanu Tejamu Kante Bhasilluchundunu
Music: Devotional
Lyricist: Devotional
Tag: telugu
Bhanu Tejamu Kante Bhasilluchundunu - Effulgent than the Radiance of the Sun,
Manchu Thelupa Kante Minchiyundu - Purer than the Whitest Snow,
Aakashamuna Kante Athi Sukshmamaiyundu - Subtler than the Vast Sky,
Sarva Jeevulayandu Parviyundu - Divinity resides in All Beings.

Paramathma Lenidi Paramanuvunu Ledu - Without the Divine there is no Ultimate Atom,
Anthata Undi Thaanantakundu - Present Everywhere, yet Detached,
Paramathma Sandarsha Bhavyavikasambu - Divinity Manifests in Its Full Glory,
Lokamuna Mudinta Ninduyundu - Pervading the Three Worlds.

Brahmayanduna Neevu Neelone Brahma - In Brahman, you dwell, and Brahman dwells within you,
Brahmaye Neevu Neeve Aa Brahmayagunu - You are Brahman, and You verily are that Brahman,
Inthakantenu Vereddi Erukaparathu - What else remains to be Revealed,
Sadhusadguna Ganyulau Sabhyulara - O Virtuous and Noble Ones.