in Discipline

Akhanda Bhajan, A World Bhajan Idol Showdown?

This weekend devotees from the Sri Sathya Sai Baba centers all over the world will undertake an enormous endeavor as in every year for the past 30+ years, to sing bhajans as a group for 24 full hours non-stop (Akhanda Bhajan).

What’s the “Why” of Akhanda Bhajan –

Is it an opportunity to show off our musical talents?
Is it a once in a year chance to be a full-time devotee event?
Is it to hang out with friends and family?
Is it to feel good imagining we are making the world a better place?

Sri Sathya Sai Baba says –

“Kirtan is ‘singing aloud the glory of God’. Samkirtan is the process of singing that originates in the heart, not from the lips or tongue. It does not seek the admiration or appreciation of the listeners. It is sung for one’s own joy, one’s own satisfaction, one’s own delight.”

“Singing this intense yearning for God and enjoying the experience of adoring Him helps to purify the atmosphere. Today, man is forced to breathe the air polluted by sounds that denote violence, hatred, cruelty, and wickedness. Therefore, he is fast losing the high attainments that are in store for him. The vibrations resulting from singing the glory of God can cleanse the atmosphere and render it pure, calm, and ennobling. It is with this high purpose in view that this program of global singing aloud the glory of God (samkirtan) was designed.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 14th November 1976

“Do bhajans with faith and enthusiasm. Let the whole city shake with the devotion you put into every Name that you sing. The Name promotes comradeship and establishes concord; it stills all storms and grants peace.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 10th July 1959

Now let’s rise to the challenge, let’s go shake up the city (and the world ) with devotion as Sai Baba challenges us to do!